Shreeshyam logistics is one of the leading organizations in Road Transport and Logistics along with carrying and forwarding activities.
We along with more than 18 branches
Panthnagar,pandichhery,Ranjangaon,Raipur,Solapur,Vapi ,all india outlets spread throughout the country. Shree shyam logistics's intricate network ensures smooth flow of operations both within the State and between one State to other ensuring speedy and efficient Transportation of goods. ON TIME, INTACT, AT ANY MOVEMENT.Shreeshyam logigistics enhances to give supply chain solutions to its customers by providing Third Party and Fourth Party Logistics services. Shreeshyam logistics is an expert for providing depot services along with total transport solution services.
Shreeshyam logistics as a part of road transport specializes in Trucks Trailers etc. BULK CARGO, FTL, LCV, ODC CONSIGNMENT AND PROJECT CONSIGNMENTS by open trucks & trailers and Container's movement.
The Mission of Shreeshyam logistics enhances to ensure best of the services at all times to all the category of its customers with the modern logistics services which includes transportation, warehousing, carrying and forwarding, clearing and forwarding, imports/ exports with the use of best technology resulting into a win- win situation for the service provider and the client. Shreeshyam logistics enhances to be attentive to all our customer needs and create innovative and environmentally friendly logistics solutions and deliver value to our customers, employees and society at large.
1.Create valued individual experiences.
2. Epitomize integrity, quality & professionalism committed to excellence.
3.Provide innovative solutions & strive to become a strategic partner for our Clients.
Our Corporate-Regional, Divisional & Branch Offices are well equipped with all the modern communication facilities like Internet, E-mail, and Fax etc.
" AVAM logistics Pvt.Ltd. Is Our Sister Concern Company "